Level Crossing Removal Project (LXRP)
The Premier of Victoria, Daniel Andrews MP, announced in December 2020 that the Mont Albert – Surrey Hills Level Crossing Removal Project will now be fast tracked and completed by 2023, instead of 2025.
What is Proposed?
The concept design prepared by the Level Crossing Removal Authority (LXRA) is for the railway line to run under both Mont Albert Road and Union Road.
There will only be one railway station, a Premium Station, which will replace the existing Mont Albert and Surrey Hills Stations. The new station will be located in a trench in the straight stretch of the railway corridor, between Mont Albert Road and the Lorne Parade Reserve.
The Surrey Hills Progress Association (SHMAPA) is calling on both councils – Whitehorse and Boroondara – to become actively involved in the local area planning of this project, around the engineering design that is adopted.
This will best be done by a comprehensive approach – to create an urban design framework – that coordinates things like:
- Traffic management, including vehicle circulation, location of car parking, bicycle links / storage, bus routes / bus stops and car / taxi drop off areas
- Railway Station connections with Hamilton Street and Union Road shopping precincts
- Integrating both parts of the Union Road shopping centre with wide civic space over the railway line
- Neighbourhood / Pedestrian connections over and along the railway corridor
- Bicycle / Shared Path routes (including the Box Hill – Hawthorn link)
- Site design and landscaping / civic space around the restored Mont Albert Station building
- Public open space reserves / access / linkages
- Vegetation protection / mature trees and avenues of trees
- Landscape / Urban Design / Architecture
The latest information and opportunities for public consultation can be found at www.levelcrossings.vic.gov.au www.engage.vic.gov.au
SHMAPA LXRP Updates: (click on heading to go to page)
Online petition to save as many trees as possible in Mont Albert and Surrey Hills due to the LXRP -- Please sign!
Don't let the State Government turn our trees into bark chips!
Dubious claims by LXRP that three local schools, a church and reservoir are now parkland.
Release of New Plans and Letter to Minister for Transport Infrastructure 25 August 2021
SHPA wrote to Jacinta Allan, Minister for Transport Infrastructure, in April and received a response last week. We are extremely disappointed with this response. This has prompted a further letter to Jacinta Allan and the Premier, Daniel Andrews, outlining the Associations' position. Please see the attached letters. Letter to Jacinta Allan Minister for Transport Infrastructure
Response from Minister for Transport Infrastructure
Letter to Premier of Victoria -
LXRP - Public Meeting - don't let this project short change our suburbs! - 29 April 2021
Letter to the Minister For Transport Infrastructure - 30 March 2021
Submission to the Level Crossing Removal Project, February 13, 2021
Submissions to the LXRP from Boroondara and Whitehorse Councils, SH and MA Traders ,BBUG, MEBUG