This is the site between Red Rooster and the new development on the car wash site.
It was advertised by City of Boroondara on 28 May.
It consists of:-
4-storeys at the Red Rooster end stepping up to 5-storeys adjacent to the new development to the west. This is 6 m / 2-storeys higher than this apartment block.
Allows for 42 apartments: 25 x 2BR; 4 x 1BR & 13 x 3BR on a c2500 sq m site
Provides 83 car spaces – so no requirement for dispensation re reduced number of car spaces.
The development proposal includes roof top gardens but these are private spaces.
The Association lodged an objection of behalf of SHPA and circulated it to members in the immediate area. Basis for objection included:
Height and scale - maximum height is 17+m (ie. 50% higher than the preferred height)
Interface with the Surrey Gardens
Communal space overshadowed by the building all year round.
In relation to the communal space and light requirement, the developer relies on the area setback at Canterbury Road for future road widening for a second communal space (Public Acquisition Overlay). Long term retention of this cannot be assumed.
A decision on this proposed development by Boroondara is awaited.